to Mar 20

Art Exhibition: Pictures about Words

  • 2 Alices Coffee Lounge (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

See 23 works of collage and assemblage by India & Bill Braine. To create each work was to solve a puzzle. Each wanted to be what it became. We can only offer hints as to their solutions, because the fact is, we don’t know. We can only conjure hints, take guesses. 

Can’t attend? Order the exhibition catalogue today.

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7:00 PM19:00

In Conversation: Authors Julia Dahl and Bill Braine @ Good Books

Join critically-acclaimed crime and suspense author Julia Dahl and Bone Hollow author Bill Braine for a unique fireside chat at Good Books in Cornwall, New York.

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Julia Dahl is the author of the Rebekah Roberts trio Invisible City, Run You Down, and Conviction, following the white-knuckle exploits of a conflicted, rookie New York City reporter chasing crimes and her own heritage in Brooklyn’s Hasidic community and the Hudson Valley. Her most recent novel, The Missing Hours, is a gripping story about obsession, privilege, and the explosive consequences of one violent act. (Buy in advance.)

Bill Braine is the author of Bone Hollow, a non-stop rural suspense novel pitting a Brooklyn couple against a sinister antagonist in their quest for a perfect home. (Buy in advance.)

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9:00 AM09:00

Mom 2.0 Summit 2015 | Panel: The Publishing Experience

(Conference sold out)

"Our panelists, all published authors, will talk about their experiences and their processes of transforming from a blogger or online publisher into an author... along with the process of transitioning a blog audience or fan base into book buyers. These two audiences might not be the same, and there's a lot of pre-planning to be done if you want to ensure that your audience can make the transition with you. They'll also discuss the new book industry and how it is affected by new media as well as their unique experiences with the publishing experience."


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